Wednesday, March 2, 2011

In the book The Vagina Monologues, there are so many interviews and stories that are very personal and openly discussed.  This books purpose was to open women’s eyes to the word vagina, and as a reader, this book definitely caught my attention. With Eve Ensler’s “Vagina Facts” and unique questions, she really nailed it with the true definition of Vagina.
As Ensler tells these stories that are inspired by other women and conduct these interviews, she catches a lot of the reader’s attention. For example, one interview that caught my attention was “The Flood” which was an interesting but kind of funny story to me. The female presented in that story was embarrassed by something that is natural for women when excited. The narrator states, “I couldn’t control it. It was like this force of passion, this river of life just flooded out of me right through my panties.” The boy in this particular story was discussed by her when it was a normal reaction. I also thought it was funny that she was even embarrassed considering it was a natural thing that happens to women.  Some of the interviews were also interesting. For instance, the interviews that Ensler took when she dealt with young teen women. In “I was twelve. My mother slapped me” many young girls expressed their feelings about the first time they stepped into women when they experienced getting their period.  One of the young girls sates, “In junior high—brown drips before it came. Coincided with a little hair under my arms, which grew unevenly: one armpit had hair, the other didn’t. “Ensler never held back with the information she received from these girls when it came to writing and publishing The Vagina Monologues.
The Vagina Monologues was a book that opened my eyes to the true meaning of the word “Vagina.” Finally, someone has created a voice for women. The vagina is a body part that women keep secret and don’t talk about and Ensler changes that through this piece.

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