Thursday, March 17, 2011


The book “In the Time of the Butterflies” is a tragedy that is based on a true story. The book goes into details about a number of events that happen involving a leader who also came off as a dictator named Trujillo.  Maribal Sister’s lost their lives (except Dede)  trying to fight against an unfair government. After reading this novel there was one sister that stuck out the most and that was Minerva.
Minerva shows her strength throughout the book by not living by the limitations that are put on women. Minerva was out spoken and wanted to do things she was told that should could not accomplish because of her gender. For instance, in chapter twelve Minerva states, “Papa always complained that, of his four girls, I should have been the boy born to cut loose. First, I wanted to go to boarding school, then university.” Throughout the book Minerva seemed to be the sister that never settled for less than what she wanted.
Even though Minerva was not the oldest out of the three sisters, she definitely seemed like the leader. Minerva played a big role in trying to fight for what she believed. Minerva did not let anyone stop her not even Trujillo, the person everyone feared; she did not give in to the fear that he had put upon many people.
In this book Minerva’s strength is shown through the events that she faces. For example, “Here we all thought El Jefe had relented against our family and let Minerva enroll in law school. But really what he was planning all along was to let her study for five whole years only to render that degree useless in the end.” After being able to attend law school and actually finishing, Minerva was withheld from getting her degree. This situation just made Minerva stronger in the long run and more eager to fight against Trujillo and his government.

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