Friday, March 11, 2011

"In The Time of The Butterflies" The Role of Mama and Papa

The book “In the Time of the Butterflies” presents four girls from the Dominican Republic who are sisters. This novel says a lot about the role people play in family life. For instance, when Patria was discussing with her father (Papa) her plan to leave to go to Inmmaculada Concepcion to become a nun, Papa had a sort of a protective attitude. Papa had a reaction that a father would usually have with his daughter(s). Minerva insisted that her Dede should follow to look after one another but Papa still had his fatherly doubts. For example, in this quote where Minerva is talking to Papa, “He pulled me to his lap and said, “And who is going to chaperone you? “ “Dede,” I said, so all three of us could go together. He pulled a long face. If all my little chickens go, what will become of me?”  Papa sounds like he is highly disappointed that his daughters are thinking about leaving him.
                The mother of the daughters who is also known as Mama, sort of convinces Papa that their daughters need education. She explains how without education having cash does not really mean much. Also it seems as if the mother is more in favor of her daughters getting an education because of the education she lacks. For example, “Enrique, those girls need some learning. Look at us” Mama had never admitted it, but I suspected she couldn’t even read.” In their family it seem like the Mother (Mama) is the parent who wants her daughter s to have what she did not receive such as an education. And the Father (Papa), who also wants the best for his daughters, often show an over protective side. In my opinion it is common for a Mother and Father to act like Mama and Papa in the novel “In the Time of the Butterflies.”
While reading this chapter where Minerva is speaking, I realized another character trait that Papa seems to have. I got a sense of a little insecurity in his personality from this quote, “Papa caved in again, but said one of us had to stay to help mind the store. He always had to add a little something to whatever Mama came up with. Mama said he was just putting his mark on everything so no one could say Enrique Mirabel didn’t wear the pants in his family.” This quote shows how insecure Papa was when it came to being the head of his family. Even though Papa brought in the money, he still felt like he had to prove that he was the one that was in charge of his family.

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