Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Word "Vagina" !!!

In the book The Vagina Monologues, the author Eve Ensler goes into deeper meaning about the word vagina and how it is a word that is really kept sacred. Ensler explores the word vagina going into detail about her own experiences and expressing her opinions about her vagina. Ensler interviews all types of women from many different places and who have many different ethnic backgrounds. The interviews are very opinionated, explicit, and openly discussed, which makes this piece of work very popular and an interesting read.
In The Vagina Monologues, Eve Ensler interviews women and gets very opinionated and personal thoughts about what women think about their vagina. For example, in the monologue “Hair,” the narrator went into a personally discussion about shaving her vagina. The narrator states, “My first and only husband hated hair. He said it was cluttered and dirty. He made me shave my vagina.” These are thoughts that I would never share with anyone if I had the same issue as the narrator in this particular monologue. Throughout the book the monologues just gets more personal and more opinionated about the vagina.
When I first started reading the Vagina Monologues I thought to myself “WOW! The word choice of this book is pretty explicit. As I got into the book and continued reading more monologues, I couldn’t even put the book down. This book made me look at the word “vagina” in a whole new light. Even though as a women I wouldn’t be able to openly talk about my vagina as the women presented in the monologues, but this book is starting to make me feel more comfortable with the word “vagina”. When talking about anything having to do with a women’s vagina many people make it seem like the vagina is a forbidden thing to talk about. Ensler changes that in her book. She makes the word “vagina” seem as a regularly used word that nobody should be ashamed of especially women. After realizing Ensler’s purpose of the book, it made me feel happy to read this piece of work.
As a college student, I have to buy many books for my classes that I usually return when the semester is over. After purchasing and reading The Vagina Monologues, I have come to the conclusion that this is a book I may have to keep. I’ve only read a part of the book and now I have a whole new insight on the word “vagina.”

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