Sunday, February 6, 2011

Teresa's interpretation of the poem, “Biography of an Armenian School Girl”

In 19 Varieties of Gazelle, the poem “Biography of an Armenian School Girl,” explains how Nye’s culture and gender keeps her from advancing in life. Nye explains how one day she is going to have to marry a man that is chosen for her. For example, Nye states, “What is the history of Europe to us if we cannot choose our own husband?” Nye also explains how strict her culture can be. For instance, Nye says in this quote, “But they teach algebra. They pull our hair back and examine our nails.” Nye later goes into detail about how she would like to travel away from that life and the culture she follows. “I would fly out of here travel, I say I would go so far away my life would be a small thing behind me.” Nye shows how she wants to explore other cultures than her own in this poem.
There are many cultures that engage in arrange marriages, just as Nye feels, not every women are happy with the husband that is chosen for them. Nye explains how she feels, “How will I sleep with him, I who have never slept away from my mother.” Nye obviously does not feel positive about having a man chosen for her.
The purpose of this poem was to show how Nye feels towards her culture. For instance, she explains the fact that one day she will have a husband chosen for her and how strict school is. She explains how her life is as an Armenian school girl. In my opinion, Nye felt negative towards the strict schools and the arranged marriages. She says she wants to “travel” but I interpret that as running away. After reading this poem, it seemed as if Nye wants to run away from the culture she is taught to follow.

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