Friday, April 8, 2011

My First Reaction to "PUSH"

In the book “Push” the author Sapphire expresses some pretty graphic details of a young girl’s horrible experiences growing up. Claireece Precious Jones is the young girl presented in the novel “Push” that seemed to be failed by a lot of people in her life. When I use the word failed I am referring to all the people who let Precious down in her lifetime.  When I first started reading this book I was just shocked on how one person can be deceived by so many people.
As I was reading the novel “Push” I felt not only mad but surprised at the fact that the two people who caused the most problems in Precious’s life was her mother and father. Your parents are supposed to be the people who give you guidance love and affection, but in the book “Push” it was the total opposite. As in the book “Fun Home” Bechdel lacked love and affection from her parents but I felt they never failed her to the extent that Precious’s parents did. With having a mom who is jealous of you and a dad who is constantly forcing you into sex and creating babies with you, Precious had a life that one can only imagine.
I feel that everybody has a moment in their life that they feel as if their parents have failed them, but with Precious this feeling lasted a lifetime. Precious had to grow up real fast because of the situation she was born into and I found that fact to be real heart breaking. This book is not only an explicit book to read but it is a book that has many tragic experiences. My first reaction to this book after reading the first couple of chapters was WOW! This book is going to be a book I’m going to feel many emotions towards.

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