Friday, April 8, 2011

Bechdel's Identification of Sexuality

In the book “fun Home” there are a lot of issues with family attachment and sexuality that Bechdel points out to the reader. For instance, Bechdel mentions the fact that her father had a secret pertaining to his sexuality. Bechdel also mentions how she found her own sexuality in the novel. The book “Fun Home” presents people who are dealing with problems identifying who they are.  To be specific, there were two main characters who dealt with problems finding themselves throughout the book and that was the author Alison Bechdel and her father Bruce.
                Bruce used his obsession for decorating to escape from the unhappy life that he was living. Being married to a woman and having three children was not the life Bruce wanted to live, but it was a life that was presentable and to Bruce image was everything. Bechdel assumes that this hidden side of Bruce led to him feeling trapped and depressed which led to his so called “suicide” (which Bechdel is not really sure of). Bruce was not the only one who had a hard time identifying with who they are. Bechdel had a little trouble with finding herself as well. Towards the end of the book Bechdel starts to express the feeling and show the readers the feeling she had for women.
                In the book “Fun Home” there was a lot of quietness within Bechtel’s family, and I don’t mean real silence; there was a sort of emotional silence. Bechdel parents did not communicate well with her or her siblings. She grew up having parents who tried to escape the life they created.  Bechdel did not grow up in a household where she felt close to her family. At home is where one should feel the most love and affection but for Bechdel it was totally opposite.

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